aroundtheworldin80years: Route planning with friends in Mosonmagyarovar
aroundtheworldin80years: Hungarian cyclist
aroundtheworldin80years: Excuse me mate, how far is it to...that one on the left?
aroundtheworldin80years: Drunken Hungarian (Not an especially rare sight)
aroundtheworldin80years: You looking at me?
aroundtheworldin80years: Christmas with the Kiss family
aroundtheworldin80years: Lada Sledging- All good fun until the rope snaps
aroundtheworldin80years: Hungarian horseman (-by Sandor)
aroundtheworldin80years: Sandor & Aunty Kiss
aroundtheworldin80years: Maramures, Romania
aroundtheworldin80years: Long lost photo- The Dung Men, Romania
aroundtheworldin80years: Central Romania
aroundtheworldin80years: Stadium, Transylvania
aroundtheworldin80years: Shepherd, Transylvania
aroundtheworldin80years: Ceucescu's infamous 'Palace of the People'- World's 2nd largest building. What you see here is just a fraction of it.
aroundtheworldin80years: Company from Quebec
aroundtheworldin80years: Tricky river crossing
aroundtheworldin80years: Police car, Bulgaria