Adrienne.Rose: Ominous fooooogggg
Adrienne.Rose: My little collection of blue glass things :) newest addition of birdies from my gramma!
Adrienne.Rose: Lake near Neuschwanstein Castle
Adrienne.Rose: The difference between Germany and The States... Germany takes pride! ;) --- I found Dan a bar that serves Bushmills, I love that they have matching glasses to go with your beverage!
Adrienne.Rose: The morning view from our balcony in Garmisch :)
Adrienne.Rose: Favorite 1.99€ wine
Adrienne.Rose: Finally found a burner!!
Adrienne.Rose: Sorted coupons!
Adrienne.Rose: Ornaments I found at a German thrift store for 3€!
Adrienne.Rose: Husband, making beer look cool!
Adrienne.Rose: Me in my new bright ass green beanie!
Adrienne.Rose: My Christmas Gnomie!
Adrienne.Rose: Skinny Santa :)
Adrienne.Rose: Gnomie :)
Adrienne.Rose: My little winter centerpiece!
Adrienne.Rose: Husband and puppy... Taking their naps early!! Lol
Adrienne.Rose: Dan hanging out in puppy's kennel...
Adrienne.Rose: Christmas markt in Ansbach
Adrienne.Rose: Eeeep!! Sonja's (my German bestie) mom gave me their old senseo coffee machine!! Eeep!! Thank you!!
Adrienne.Rose: Our black weekend purchases thus far. Tv and PS3
Adrienne.Rose: Turkey chowder in the making!
Adrienne.Rose: I absatively posalutely LOVE my senseo machine!!
Adrienne.Rose: Ginger sprout!
Adrienne.Rose: Ginger!