Aron Stenning:
GWR 56xx class no.6686, which is the last Barry Scrapyard loco to be saved!
Aron Stenning:
The boiler for 6686.
Aron Stenning:
GWR 6686 - The only form of identification for the loco!
Aron Stenning:
GWR 6686
Aron Stenning:
GWR 6686
Aron Stenning:
GWR 6686
Aron Stenning:
GWR 6686 - It's amazing to still see some original GWR paint on her!
Aron Stenning:
GWR 6686
Aron Stenning:
GWR 6686 - looking inside the cab
Aron Stenning:
GWR 6686
Aron Stenning:
GWR 6686
Aron Stenning:
GWR 6686
Aron Stenning:
GWR 6686
Aron Stenning:
GWR 6686 - the message on her firebox reads: TOO HIGH FOR DOORS, DO NOT MOVE"