aroller: Lithia Springs Inn
aroller: Lithia Springs Inn
aroller: Lithia Springs Inn
aroller: Lithia Springs Inn
aroller: Lithia Springs Inn
aroller: Lithia Springs Inn
aroller: Shakespeare Festival
aroller: good coffee exists outside major cities!
aroller: Ashland
aroller: Natural Lithia Water
aroller: Lithia Park
aroller: Lithia Park
aroller: adorable table
aroller: Crater Lake Highway
aroller: wildflowers everywhere
aroller: first look at Crater Lake
aroller: snow on the Watchman Trail
aroller: This was on a trailer with a Canadian license plate.
aroller: view of Crater Lake from the top of the Watchman Trail
aroller: Mount Shasta, 150 miles due south
aroller: everyone told us to stop at Beckie's for pie
aroller: Boysenberry pie a la mode
aroller: It didn't last very long.
aroller: which way first?
aroller: big boulders
aroller: Mill Creek Falls
aroller: Southern Oregonians are fond of carved animals
aroller: It's the climate, duh
aroller: Lunch in Brookings, OR
aroller: steamers, tater tots, coleslaw