ar.obrien: The Rock Slide
ar.obrien: Tammy and Jace take a look
ar.obrien: Alex inspects the scene
ar.obrien: Alex takes the plunge
ar.obrien: Tammy takes the plunge
ar.obrien: Zoe takes the plunge
ar.obrien: Finally Jace
ar.obrien: Relaxing in one of the pools
ar.obrien: Photo opportunity
ar.obrien: Alex in the (small) falls
ar.obrien: Everyone wants in on the act
ar.obrien: But getting up there is (slightly) trickier than it seems
ar.obrien: Still trying
ar.obrien: Almost
ar.obrien: Alex, Zoe and Jace, all in the (small) falls
ar.obrien: Sit
ar.obrien: In the fall
ar.obrien: Liz
ar.obrien: Alex and Zoe
ar.obrien: Zoe
ar.obrien: Pebbles