arnybo: Nykokt krabbe
arnybo: Flaum i Brulandsfossen
arnybo: Small water stream through in forest
arnybo: Small stream in forest
arnybo: Small water stream through in forest
arnybo: Small water stream through in forest
arnybo: Small water stream through in forest
arnybo: Small stream on mooseclad rocks
arnybo: Mooseclad rocks in forest and small stream of water
arnybo: Small stream of water running over mooseclad rocks in forest
arnybo: Small soft stream of water in forest
arnybo: Small dead dry red starfish on land
arnybo: Lyr
arnybo: Alligator in action - blurry
arnybo: Lotte de mer / Anglerfish / Breiflabb
arnybo: Herring / Hareng / Sild
arnybo: Herring / Hareng / Sild
arnybo: Trout / Aure / Ørret
arnybo: Villaks og sjøaure
arnybo: Sol gjennom skodde over Anga
arnybo: Vårsol i februar
arnybo: Vårsol i februar
arnybo: River beauty
arnybo: Pirayas in London Zoo
arnybo: Makrell i blå plastbøtte
arnybo: Trouts - ørret - aure
arnybo: Sjøaure frå Førdefjorden
arnybo: Sharks in Bergen Aquarium
arnybo: Shark in Bergen Aquarium
arnybo: Lion fish