ArnieLee: purple gallinule
ArnieLee: I need a new toothbrush
ArnieLee: pond apple
ArnieLee: Great Egret
ArnieLee: green heron
ArnieLee: Anhinga
ArnieLee: what keeps him in the ravine?
ArnieLee: spoonbilled roseate
ArnieLee: calm swimmer
ArnieLee: wood stork
ArnieLee: orange crowned warbler???
ArnieLee: great white egret
ArnieLee: blue heron
ArnieLee: snowy egret
ArnieLee: green heron
ArnieLee: "Everglades"
ArnieLee: profile
ArnieLee: wood stork
ArnieLee: watch your toes
ArnieLee: as far as the eye can see
ArnieLee: like a jet fighter
ArnieLee: propulsion
ArnieLee: Sunning
ArnieLee: Cruising
ArnieLee: Off to the races
ArnieLee: cruising