Arnicas: Maybe Osney island days
Arnicas: John and Arthur
Arnicas: Were We Really That Young
Arnicas: Visiting Phil in Scotland
Arnicas: Oxford maybe
Arnicas: John
Arnicas: Oxford somewhere
Arnicas: A strange trip to the country we took
Arnicas: Squirrel visitor
Arnicas: Squirrel leaves
Arnicas: Bath, I think
Arnicas: Mirror image
Arnicas: Bath Maybe?
Arnicas: John in Bluebells
Arnicas: Scotland, Visiting Phil
Arnicas: Phil and Sarah
Arnicas: Glasgow
Arnicas: Blurry Wedding Pic But I don't Care
Arnicas: Pre-Wedding Dinner, Glasgow
Arnicas: Phil and Sarah
Arnicas: Jane at the Wedding
Arnicas: Lovely Matthew and John
Arnicas: A 2009 Sunday
Arnicas: john-5753
Arnicas: 2009 Visit on Sunday
Arnicas: Weirdly Grim despite drinks
Arnicas: 2014 Smiley
Arnicas: 2014 Neal Holds Court
Arnicas: 2014
Arnicas: Still 2014 - A lineup