Arne Kuilman: Red Sea toadfish (Thalassothia cirrhosus)
Arne Kuilman: Unknown crab
Arne Kuilman: Red Sea Pygmy seahorse (Hippocampus debelius)
Arne Kuilman: Purple Legged marble shrimp (Saron rectirostris)
Arne Kuilman: Athanas sp.2
Arne Kuilman: Gnathophyllum circellus
Arne Kuilman: Roughtail stingray (Dasyatis centroura)
Arne Kuilman: Brittle Star Snapping Shrimp (Athanas ornithorhynchus)
Arne Kuilman: Unknown shrimp from Lembeh
Arne Kuilman: Weird nudibranch (Protaeolidiella sp.)
Arne Kuilman: Blue King crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus)
Arne Kuilman: Anacanthus barbatus / Bearded filefish
Arne Kuilman: Genetic mutation (Hypselodoris tryoni )
Arne Kuilman: Newly discovered Ambon frogfish (Histiophryne psychedelica)
Arne Kuilman: Cryptic sponge shrimp (Gelastocaris paronae)
Arne Kuilman: Green fish? Sure! (Congrogadus subducens)
Arne Kuilman: Hamodactylus aqabai
Arne Kuilman: Rare scaleworm (Polyodontes kuroshio)
Arne Kuilman: Ruby seadragon (Phyllopteryx dewysea)
Arne Kuilman: Weird crab on orange sponge
Arne Kuilman: Speckled goodness (Chalaroachaeus curvipes)
Arne Kuilman: Unidentified Thecacera sp.
Arne Kuilman: Sicyonia sp. (possibly Sicyonia lancifer ?)
Arne Kuilman: World's largest nudibranch? (Hexabranchus sanguineus)
Arne Kuilman: Paracragon echinata
Arne Kuilman: Psilotris laurae
Arne Kuilman: The wonderful world of cryptochirids
Arne Kuilman: Arete sp.
Arne Kuilman: New species: Pylopaguropsis mollymullerae
Arne Kuilman: New one (Philocheras coralliophilus)