Arne Kuilman:
The thorny seahorse (Hippocampus histrix)
Arne Kuilman:
Red Sea view
Arne Kuilman:
Giant moray (Gymnothorax javanicus)
Arne Kuilman:
Lionfish (Pterois volitans)
Arne Kuilman:
Funny crop
Arne Kuilman:
Giant moray (Gymnothorax javanicus)
Arne Kuilman:
Red Sea
Arne Kuilman:
False stonefish (Scorpaenopsis diabolus)
Arne Kuilman:
Map angel / Queen of the Sea (Pomacanthus maculous)
Arne Kuilman:
Yellow mouth moray (Gymnothorax nudivomer)
Arne Kuilman:
Anemone fish in nice red anemone
Arne Kuilman:
Common octopus (Octopus vulgaris)
Arne Kuilman:
Shy anemone fish
Arne Kuilman:
Scorpionfish on coral reef
Arne Kuilman:
School of tangs / Desjardini (Zebrasona desjardini) and Yellow tail / purple tangs (Zebrasoma xanthurus)
Arne Kuilman:
A healthy reef
Arne Kuilman:
Below the surface
Arne Kuilman:
Bearded scorpionfish (Scorpaenopsis barbatus)
Arne Kuilman:
Red Sea fans (Swiftia kofoidi)
Arne Kuilman:
Lyretail Grouper (Variola louti)
Arne Kuilman:
Train your eyes
Arne Kuilman:
Red Sea Bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops aduncus)
Arne Kuilman:
Green chromis (Chromis viridis)
Arne Kuilman:
Arne Kuilman:
Needlefish sunburst
Arne Kuilman:
Arne Kuilman:
Anyone fish for dinner?
Arne Kuilman:
Table corals overview
Arne Kuilman:
The statue
Arne Kuilman:
Where's the grass?