ramseyarnaoot: they laugh
ramseyarnaoot: All ye that keep the old law
ramseyarnaoot: There's food and frolic for us all.
ramseyarnaoot: We bid you welcome to the hall!
ramseyarnaoot: solemnized in this sort
ramseyarnaoot: to see these goodly pageants
ramseyarnaoot: and mount upon forms and pews
ramseyarnaoot: they leer
ramseyarnaoot: they stare
ramseyarnaoot: they look
ramseyarnaoot: Then the foolish people
ramseyarnaoot: with such a confused noise that no one can hear his own voice.
ramseyarnaoot: like devils incarnate
ramseyarnaoot: in the church
ramseyarnaoot: their stumps dancing
ramseyarnaoot: their bellies bumping
ramseyarnaoot: their handkerchiefs swinging about their heads like madmen
ramseyarnaoot: their hobby horses and other monsters skirmishing among the throng
ramseyarnaoot: and in this sort they go to the church
ramseyarnaoot: though the minister be at prayer or preaching
ramseyarnaoot: dancing and swinging their heads
ramseyarnaoot: drummers thundering
ramseyarnaoot: their pipers piping
ramseyarnaoot: and march these heathen company towards the church and churchyard
ramseyarnaoot: to strike up the Devil's Dance withall
ramseyarnaoot: and thundering drummers
ramseyarnaoot: together with their bawdy pipers
ramseyarnaoot: they have their hobby horses, dragons, and other antics
ramseyarnaoot: they bedeck themselves with scarves, ribbons, and laces
ramseyarnaoot: hanged all over with gold rings, precious stones, and other jewels: