ramseyarnaoot: Insolvency, sublime!
ramseyarnaoot: Our Fathers being weary
ramseyarnaoot: Laid down on Bunker Hill
ramseyarnaoot: And tho' full many a morning
ramseyarnaoot: Yet they are sleeping still
ramseyarnaoot: The trumpet, sir, shall wake them
ramseyarnaoot: In dreams I see them rise
ramseyarnaoot: Each with a solemn musket
ramseyarnaoot: A marching to the skies!
ramseyarnaoot: A coward will remain, Sir
ramseyarnaoot: Until the fight is done
ramseyarnaoot: But an immortal hero
ramseyarnaoot: Good bye, Sir, I am going
ramseyarnaoot: My country calleth me
ramseyarnaoot: Allow me, Sir, at parting
ramseyarnaoot: To wipe my weeping e'e.
ramseyarnaoot: In token of our friendship
ramseyarnaoot: Accept this "Bonnie Doon"
ramseyarnaoot: And when the hand that plucked it
ramseyarnaoot: Hath passed beyond the moon
ramseyarnaoot: The memory of my ashes
ramseyarnaoot: Then, farewell, Tuscarora
ramseyarnaoot: Will consolation be
ramseyarnaoot: And farewell, Sir, to thee!
ramseyarnaoot: "Speech"—is a prank of Parliament—
ramseyarnaoot: "Tears"—is a trick of the nerve—
ramseyarnaoot: But the Heart with the heaviest freight on—
ramseyarnaoot: Doesn't—always—move—
ramseyarnaoot: "And with what body do they come?"—
ramseyarnaoot: Then they do come—Rejoice!