arnabchat: Lakshman Ganga | Bhyundar
arnabchat: trekking break | Bhyundar
arnabchat: boy | Ghangaria
arnabchat: river anemone | Valley of Flowers
arnabchat: rains and green | Valley of Flowers
arnabchat: Wallich's Conehead | Valley of Flowers
arnabchat: Alpine Forget Me Not | Valley of Flowers
arnabchat: river anemone bush | Valley of Flowers
arnabchat: River Anemone | Valley of Flowers
arnabchat: river anemones | valley of flowers
arnabchat: alpine Forget Me Not | Valley of Flowers
arnabchat: group foto | Valley of Flowers trek
arnabchat: little ones | Valley of Flowers
arnabchat: Blue Poppy | Valley of Flowers
arnabchat: Pushpawati | Valley of Flowers
arnabchat: bhurjapatra | Valley of Flowers
arnabchat: Grass-Leaved Chickweed | Valley of Flowers
arnabchat: Horned Lousewort | Valley of Flowers
arnabchat: Himalayan cinquefoil/Red Potentilla | Valley of Flowers
arnabchat: indian rhubarb | Valley of Flowers
arnabchat: Dwarf Fireweed | Valley of Flowers
arnabchat: IMG_0709a
arnabchat: paths | Valley of Flowers
arnabchat: Hill Geranium | Valley of Flowers
arnabchat: indian rhubarb | Valley of Flowers
arnabchat: Large Bellflower | Valley of Flowers
arnabchat: mountain stream | Valley of Flowers
arnabchat: mountain stream | Valley of Flowers
arnabchat: clouds | Valley of Flowers
arnabchat: Whorlflower | Valley of Flowers