ArchiTexty: TWA Redefines First Class 1981
ArchiTexty: TWA Route System Map 1981
ArchiTexty: New York, NY B. Altman Department Store building advert 1981
ArchiTexty: B Altman Department Store advert 1981
ArchiTexty: We know small computers Computerland 1981
ArchiTexty: The Personal Computer apple 1981
ArchiTexty: TWA Ambassador July 1981
ArchiTexty: The De Lackner HZ-1 Aerocycle 1956
ArchiTexty: The Army Reservist March 1956 smaller
ArchiTexty: The Army Reservist January 1956
ArchiTexty: TWA baggage tag LAX 1981
ArchiTexty: TWA boarding pass 1981
ArchiTexty: AALOHA
ArchiTexty: You don't have to go a long way, baby!
ArchiTexty: Farmers Market December 1981
ArchiTexty: San Francisco June 1982
ArchiTexty: San Francisco June 1982
ArchiTexty: San Francisco June 1982 3
ArchiTexty: CalTrain train ticket 1981
ArchiTexty: CalTrain train schedule 1981
ArchiTexty: Announcing the world's smallest stereo cassette player 1982
ArchiTexty: RTD aerial along the Harbor Freeway
ArchiTexty: Letter to the Editor August 29, 1983
ArchiTexty: Marshall Field's logo and saying 1988
ArchiTexty: Pier One advert 1988
ArchiTexty: Page 26 BARCH Pre-Thesis 1990
ArchiTexty: Hollywood Subway diagram
ArchiTexty: Hollywood Subway Terminal 1946
ArchiTexty: Hollywood Subway Terminal platform level 1946
ArchiTexty: Hollywood Subway 1946