ARM User Facility: Sam Maiha, PNG NWS Director, speaks while Kim Nitschke, ARM Facility Manager, listens.
ARM User Facility: The CSAPR tower foundation on Manus Island
ARM User Facility: The CSAPR tower on Manus Island coming down
ARM User Facility: Dismantling the CSAPR tower on Manus Island
ARM User Facility: The CSAPR panels from Manus Island
ARM User Facility: CSPAR Dismantling on Manus Island
ARM User Facility: Paul Ortega removing panels from the CSAPR
ARM User Facility: CSAPR Dismantling on Manus Island
ARM User Facility: The view from the CSAPR on Manus Island
ARM User Facility: Taking off the CSAPR panels
ARM User Facility: Moving the crane
ARM User Facility: The CSAPR before the dismantling began
ARM User Facility: Kim and Kasis Inape, Assistant Director PNG NWS
ARM User Facility: Sam getting plaque from ARM to PNG NWS
ARM User Facility: Kim Nitschke and Dick Pierce, customs broker on Manus Island
ARM User Facility: Kim Nitschke, Sam Maiha, Paul Ortega, and Kevin Luana, assistant secretary of the department of transportation PNG
ARM User Facility: Kim Nitschke talking during the going away dinner
ARM User Facility: Hymson Waffe receiving the plaque.
ARM User Facility: Remote balloon launch structure at Manus Island
ARM User Facility: Ben Enos looking at data from last balloon launch at Manus Island
ARM User Facility: Last remote balloon launch on Manus Island
ARM User Facility: Ben Enos, observer from PNG NWS, preparing the last balloon launch on Manus Island
ARM User Facility: Last balloon launch from Manus Island
ARM User Facility: ARM Plaque to Nauru Government
ARM User Facility: ARM Plaque for Nauru Operations Team
ARM User Facility: Thanks for the Memories
ARM User Facility: Thanks to Nauru Government
ARM User Facility: Many Thanks
ARM User Facility: Chuck Long on Manus Island
ARM User Facility: Nauru Facility Installation Team