Arlete M: Isn't she cute?
Arlete M: World Animal Day (October 4th) Dia Mundial dos Animais (4 de outubro)
Arlete M: Great friends - always together!
Arlete M: Love is all...
Arlete M: Rick is happy now!
Arlete M: Trequinho (Little Thing)
Arlete M: Have a great week!
Arlete M: It's funny...
Arlete M: I need an ice cream! Preciso de um sorvete!
Arlete M: My name is Catarina. And yours?
Arlete M: At work
Arlete M: Smiling dog / Cãozinho sorridente
Arlete M: Do you think I need a bath?
Arlete M: Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. (Chinese Proverb)
Arlete M: That man is the richest
Arlete M: Friends!
Arlete M: SIncronia / Synchrony
Arlete M: Sweet dog
Arlete M: Running to the river