Brent Slensker: End of the Cedars Kiva
Brent Slensker: Sand Island Rock Art
Brent Slensker: End of the Cedars Kiva ceiling
Brent Slensker: Bluff Site
Brent Slensker: St. Stephens Mission...ancient room block
Brent Slensker: Teresa and Cyrena in Kiva
Brent Slensker: End of the Cedars Museum
Brent Slensker: Modern Rock Art
Brent Slensker: Sand Island Rock Art
Brent Slensker: Sand Island Rock Art
Brent Slensker: St. Stephens Mission...Rock Formation
Brent Slensker: End of the Cedars Kiva
Brent Slensker: Modern rock art
Brent Slensker: Sand Island Rock Art
Brent Slensker: End of the Cedars Museum
Brent Slensker: Modern Rock Art
Brent Slensker: Sand Island Rock Art
Brent Slensker: St. Stephens Mission...ancient room block
Brent Slensker: End of the Cedars Kiva
Brent Slensker: End of the Cedars Museum
Brent Slensker: St. Stephens Mission...ancient room block
Brent Slensker: End of the Cedars Museum
Brent Slensker: Abajo Mnts
Brent Slensker: St. Stephens Mission...ancient room block
Brent Slensker: Formation
Brent Slensker: Sand Island
Brent Slensker: St. Stephens Mission...ancient room block
Brent Slensker: St. Stephens Mission...ancient room block
Brent Slensker: End of the Cedars Kiva Museum
Brent Slensker: End of the Cedars Museum