Hannu_E_K: Sun, Stone, Light, Lichen, Low, DoF
Hannu_E_K: Too much! (Step up rings)
Hannu_E_K: Fluff
Hannu_E_K: Floweaster
Hannu_E_K: Last light slipping away...
Hannu_E_K: Countryside bikeride
Hannu_E_K: Three's ...
Hannu_E_K: The way to go?
Hannu_E_K: Fuzzy road ahead
Hannu_E_K: Walk a mile...
Hannu_E_K: Traditional Red, Traditional Fence, Traditional Green
Hannu_E_K: Red & Green
Hannu_E_K: This-Tel ?
Hannu_E_K: Intense Female Bouqhuet
Hannu_E_K: Almost in focus!
Hannu_E_K: Missing the sun; lights please!