@ris_@bdullah : 42 - On the Street
@ris_@bdullah : 34 - Masjid Jamek LRT Station, Kuala Lumpur
@ris_@bdullah : 27 - Pagoda Flower
@ris_@bdullah : 19 - Roots of Life
@ris_@bdullah : 40 - Static And Silent..
@ris_@bdullah : 62 - Here Comes The Train Again..
@ris_@bdullah : 57 - Winding And Curvy
@ris_@bdullah : 65 - Refuse Chamber
@ris_@bdullah : 66 - Pathway
@ris_@bdullah : 67 - Parking Divider
@ris_@bdullah : 79 - Reflecting Pool
@ris_@bdullah : 97 - So Long, Hairul Annuar....
@ris_@bdullah : 98 - Flip Flop - B&W
@ris_@bdullah : 107 - The Eye
@ris_@bdullah : 112 - The Last Few Drops (II)
@ris_@bdullah : 115 - I've Got A (Crazy.Funny.Cool) Friend...
@ris_@bdullah : 116 - On The Look Out...
@ris_@bdullah : 121 - A Broken Leaf and A Broken Soul...
@ris_@bdullah : 123 - A Brighter Day
@ris_@bdullah : 154 - Nabli And Akmal
@ris_@bdullah : 155 - Paddy Field....
@ris_@bdullah : 174 - Waterfront Precinct 2, Putrajaya: The Railing
@ris_@bdullah : 187 - The Shadow Effect
@ris_@bdullah : 212 - Ada Bunga Dalam Bunga...
@ris_@bdullah : 229 - TImber Panel (Wall Cladding)
@ris_@bdullah : 240 - The Curves..
@ris_@bdullah : 241 - Quit Or Die...
@ris_@bdullah : 248 - Front Windows...
@ris_@bdullah : 250 - New Plastering Work, Please!