arievergreen: MLK freedom walkway unveiling
arievergreen: MLK freedom walkway unveiling
arievergreen: MLK freedom walkway unveiling
arievergreen: MLK freedom walkway unveiling
arievergreen: MLK freedom walkway unveiling
arievergreen: laughing red shira
arievergreen: serious red shira
arievergreen: share tompkins at ithaca sound maze!
arievergreen: at the m.i.a. show at cornell
arievergreen: shira with her design work for the first peoples' festival
arievergreen: shira with her design work for the first peoples' festival
arievergreen: ithaca freeskool prom
arievergreen: ithaca freeskool prom
arievergreen: ithaca freeskool prom
arievergreen: ithaca freeskool prom
arievergreen: ithaca freeskool prom
arievergreen: ithaca freeskool prom
arievergreen: ithaca freeskool prom
arievergreen: ithaca freeskool prom
arievergreen: shira found a mushroom
arievergreen: shira found a mushroom
arievergreen: at the ceremony
arievergreen: shira playing volleyball
arievergreen: shira playing volleyball
arievergreen: shira playing volleyball
arievergreen: shira trying on an awesome dress
arievergreen: shira at the swimming hole
arievergreen: shira playing and singing in the kitchen
arievergreen: shira and the moose on my mom's moving van
arievergreen: shira and the floppy hat