M!Ss Kr!stine: roll skating is quite pop in Shenyang...
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M!Ss Kr!stine: absolutely beautiful
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M!Ss Kr!stine: Yay!!! in north Tomb...for the big king of Qing Dynasty...
M!Ss Kr!stine: Lucky like I have never been
M!Ss Kr!stine: second time in my life I actually won something...with nothing I can control
M!Ss Kr!stine: u have no idea how grand eggplants could taste unless you have been to Shenyang...
M!Ss Kr!stine: Cook knows what he was doing...
M!Ss Kr!stine: ah...smells darn good
M!Ss Kr!stine: You have no idea how teasing the aroma was...
M!Ss Kr!stine: pickled potatos腌制凉拌土豆
M!Ss Kr!stine: their famous handmade noodles...you know what elastic means in terms of describing noodles?
M!Ss Kr!stine: I was not fast enough, the cook put in beans and meat and mushrooms with yummy sauce...
M!Ss Kr!stine: step one...you have to have HUGE space for a pot...
M!Ss Kr!stine: 马家烧麦
M!Ss Kr!stine: 西塔 is the famous South/ North Korean area in Shenyang.
M!Ss Kr!stine: xita Church @Shenyang...
M!Ss Kr!stine: 沈阳南湖公园的晚霞。。。