.scarlet.: first photo of the trip
.scarlet.: miami palm trees
.scarlet.: miami beach
.scarlet.: lifeguard post
.scarlet.: miani waters
.scarlet.: atlantic
.scarlet.: empty beach morning
.scarlet.: sandy feet
.scarlet.: waiting
.scarlet.: mom and me
.scarlet.: tile & concrete
.scarlet.: statue
.scarlet.: first ship photo
.scarlet.: port holes
.scarlet.: empty crystal room
.scarlet.: ceiling lights
.scarlet.: crystal room chandelier
.scarlet.: casino ceiling
.scarlet.: floor 12
.scarlet.: reflection
.scarlet.: empty lounge chairs
.scarlet.: miami
.scarlet.: from my room
.scarlet.: main entrance
.scarlet.: covered chairs
.scarlet.: just a drill
.scarlet.: we done yet?
.scarlet.: the fam in orange
.scarlet.: Something you would never see unless you were on a cruise
.scarlet.: isn't this clever?