Chaox LIN: 黃金湖岸
suziqb: spider web on foggy day
gibsonstreet: Legs / Puddle
Ignazio Corda: Explore: Hyles euphorbiae....!!
我的小風景: 宅男的夏日輕食夢
我的小風景: Silent Night
我的小風景: Le moment parfait
我的小風景: Blooming Night / 愈夜愈美麗
我的小風景: A Peace Ending
suziqb: IMG_2029
martinturner: M Shed
suziqb: 246/365
CWhatPhotos: Gold and White Orlando
我的小風景: Dreamcatcher
Furryscaly: Eye
shauna28: Eye Wonder?
SarahScheckerPhotography: Dots and Lines
martinturner: Batman - (Take a View POTY 2011 Commended)
Stephen.James: Love Cuts Deep