ariellemac42: picking up auntie em from the airport
ariellemac42: she was *very* happy to see gus
ariellemac42: having fun in the shuttle
ariellemac42: hotel elevator
ariellemac42: gus hearts remotes
ariellemac42: best indoor playground ever
ariellemac42: lovin' his auntie em time
ariellemac42: edinborough park's great hall
ariellemac42: waterfall
ariellemac42: senior living
ariellemac42: playground
ariellemac42: streetlight
ariellemac42: on bridge
ariellemac42: tot spot
ariellemac42: reflection
ariellemac42: what's that?
ariellemac42: contemplating
ariellemac42: exploring
ariellemac42: bouncy house
ariellemac42: em shows him how to do it
ariellemac42: bouncy house
ariellemac42: bouncy house
ariellemac42: obstacle course
ariellemac42: gus and em on slide
ariellemac42: tunnel
ariellemac42: view from the top
ariellemac42: just hanging around
ariellemac42: shuttle to the MOA
ariellemac42: the mega mall