Steve Rhodes: #ows banner #natgat march #occupyphilly
Steve Rhodes: Tax Dodgers & Corporate Loopholes #natgat #occupyphilly #ows #circus
Steve Rhodes: #Circus party #natgat #occupyphilly #ows
Steve Rhodes: #NatGat @jessehadden occupy #guitarmy #99milemarch #occupyphilly to #ows July 5-11
Steve Rhodes: #natgat @nancymancias @codepink face paint #ows #occupyphilly #occupysf
Steve Rhodes: Lots #phillypd bike cops at entrance Liberty Bell #natgat #occupyphilly #ows
Steve Rhodes: #phillyPD / Homeland Security vehicle #natgat #occupyphilly #ows
Steve Rhodes: #phillypd asked if his photo could be in a magazine like Men's Health #natgat #occupyphilly #ows
Steve Rhodes: I think I heard Ben Franklin spinning in his grave #phillyPD #NatGat #occupyphilly
Steve Rhodes: Jefferson reading Declaration of Independence at pops concert #natgat #occupyphilly
Steve Rhodes: #anonymous enjoying the pre- #July4th pops concert #natgat #occupyphilly #ows
Steve Rhodes: #PhillyPD in riot helmet inside Independence Mall #natgat #occupyphilly #ows
Steve Rhodes: Man w/son holding panda asked #PhillyPD how to get into park #natgat #occupyphilly #ows
Steve Rhodes: Don't think Jefferson would've approved riot police #july4th #natgat #occupyphilly #ows
Steve Rhodes: #phillypd says of @codepink "This is the kind of protest I like - peaceful" #natgat #ows
Steve Rhodes: Equality @codepink & the Declaration of Independence #natgat #occupyphilly #ows
Steve Rhodes: #July4th @codepink die-in after Independence Hall fighter jet flyover #natgat #ows
Steve Rhodes: #july4th @codepink Independence Hall #Natgat #ows #4thofJuly
Steve Rhodes: #PhillyPD chief Ramsey interviewed by @whyy #july4th parade #natgat #occupyphilly
Steve Rhodes: #phillyPD bike cops & the Boss #natgat #occupyphilly #ows
Steve Rhodes: I only got blurry iPhone photos of #natgat #july4th #occupyphilly march #ows
Steve Rhodes: #ows @mtaibbi at #natgat on Libor scandal #banks #occupyphilly
Steve Rhodes: #ows @mtaibbi pushing back @ajenglish interview to do #natgat wksp
Steve Rhodes: #ows @heartofj @nancymancias @codepink Beautiful Trouble #NatGat wrkshp #occupyphilly #ows
Steve Rhodes: Lots & lots of bike cops #phillypd #natgat #occupyphilly #ows
Steve Rhodes: #ows @Verizon workers join #natgat #occupyphilly march
Steve Rhodes: #occupyphilly used to be here #natgat #phillypd #ows
Steve Rhodes: Verizon workers into "shit's fucked up & bullshit" chant #natgat #ows
Steve Rhodes: #natgat @comcastcares center #occupyphilly #ows
Steve Rhodes: Kids in fannie Mae foreclosure say #Banks got.. #natgat #ows #ophl