Steve Rhodes: #RightsCon South east Asia March 2015 in Manila @rightscon #humanrights
Steve Rhodes: #PanOptics2014 @trevorpaglen #NSA photo he published @the_intercept @ArtistsReport #rightscon #snowden
Steve Rhodes: #PanOptics2014 @rmack speaking at conf following #rightscon
Steve Rhodes: #PanOptics2014 @kingjen shows #DAC #oakmtg protest Has studied San Francisco surveillance cameras #rightscon
Steve Rhodes: #PanOptics2014 @lynch_jen @eff on Visual #surveillance Policy & technology
Steve Rhodes: Adam Hochschild working on book on Spanish Civil War Soviets, MI5 spied on #Orwell #rightscon
Steve Rhodes: Janne Teller reads Writers against mass surveillance signed by 562 writers incl @@MargaretAtwood #rightscon #nsa #snowden #dontspyonus
Steve Rhodes: Topics of self-censorship by US writers @penusa survey @SuzanneNossel #rightscon #nsa #snowden
Steve Rhodes: If there were any justice in the world Edward #Snowden would get @Nobelprize_org Adam Hochschild #rightscon #nsa #nobelprize
Steve Rhodes: Adam Hochschild on getting his FBI file & how it made him aware of chilling effect of surveillance #rightscon #nsa
Steve Rhodes: Profit margins on internet from @comcastcares is 80% @levjoy @freepress @webwewant #rightscon #comcast
Steve Rhodes: #RightsCon: Uncontrolled Surveillance: Regulation & Export Controls debate Fukami @chaosupdates #ccc @CDA @mala @eff
Steve Rhodes: #rightscon @gharbeia asks why @nationbuilder isn't open source @kaepora says NB could put source code on github
Steve Rhodes: Activism & social change: views from the Arab world @kaepora @MoNajem @gharbeia @DaliaOthman #RightsCon
Steve Rhodes: #RightsCon #Crowdfunding for #HumanRights @daloya @indiegogo @OpenRightsGroup @causes @InderComar @WitnessIraq
Steve Rhodes: Michael Posner why aren't the telcos, twitter, Cisco part @TheGNI @rmack #rightscon cc @dickc
Steve Rhodes: International parent company responsibility for #humanrights Patrick Hiselius, Michael Posner @rmack
Steve Rhodes: Demonstrate & Disobey: Protest & Civil Disobedience on & offline @HanniFakhoury @geoffwking #RightsCon
Steve Rhodes: If you're using Windows, you have no security against big brother Richard Stallman next to Microsoft sponsorship logo at #RightsCon
Steve Rhodes: Richard Stallman starts by criticizing #RightsCon for using eventbrite, other non-free software wanted ogg streaming
Steve Rhodes: Large #FreeAlaa petition @rightscon #egypt #humanrights #rightscon
Steve Rhodes: Sprite from #G4MSF & #rightscon #google
Steve Rhodes: What a turkey sandwich came in at #G4MSF & #rightscon
Steve Rhodes: Dig Security health clinic get tested here #rightscon
Steve Rhodes: #rightscon Oksana Romaniuk on #Ukraine @richardlusimbo @smug2004 on #AHBUganda anti #lgbt law
Steve Rhodes: Designing platforms for digital rights @solomonbrett fireside chat w/Ross LaJeunesse @Google Joe Sullivan @Facebook @delbius @twitter
Steve Rhodes: The spy phone who loved me @headhntr #rightscon #humanrights #eddiecolla
Steve Rhodes: #rightscon Morgan Marquis-Boire @headhntr on The Mess we're in The Surveillance landscape & coercion-resistant design #nsa #eddiecolla
Steve Rhodes: Also @rightscon in 2011 @alaa reading his words since he's in prison & can't give keynote #freealaa #rightscon #egypt
Steve Rhodes: Remembering #aaronSwartz who spoke @rightscon in 2011 #rightscon