Steve Rhodes: Secret service remove activists who tried to rush Bernie Sanders at rally in Oakland
Steve Rhodes: Secret service remove activists who tried to rush Bernie Sanders at rally in Oakland
Steve Rhodes: Secret service remove activists who tried to rush Bernie Sanders at rally in Oakland
Steve Rhodes: Secret service remove activists who tried to rush Bernie Sanders at rally in Oakland
Steve Rhodes: Secret service remove activists who tried to rush Bernie Sanders at rally in Oakland
Steve Rhodes: Secret service remove activists who tried to rush Bernie Sanders at rally in Oakland
Steve Rhodes: Secret service remove activists who tried to rush Bernie Sanders at rally in Oakland
Steve Rhodes: Secret service remove activists who tried to rush Bernie Sanders at rally in Oakland
Steve Rhodes: Secret service remove activists who tried to rush Bernie Sanders at rally in Oakland
Steve Rhodes: Secret service remove activists who tried to rush Bernie Sanders at rally in Oakland
Steve Rhodes: Secret service remove activists who tried to rush Bernie Sanders at rally in Oakland
Steve Rhodes: Bernie after Secret service remove animal rights activists who tried to rush Sanders at rally in Oakland
Steve Rhodes: Bernie Sanders rally in Oakland
Steve Rhodes: Bernie Sanders rally in Oakland
Steve Rhodes: Sen Bernie Sanders in conversation with Bernie Sanders
Steve Rhodes: Senator Bernie Sanders speaking in San Francisco
Steve Rhodes: San Francisco Board of Supervisors President David Chiu introducing Sen Bernie Sanders