My world as my heart sees it: La vie ....en rose
My world as my heart sees it: Fontanellato (Pr) - Sanctuary
My world as my heart sees it: Fontanellato (Pr) - Sanctuary
My world as my heart sees it: Gratia Plena -Dominus Tecum
My world as my heart sees it: The night's tuxedo
My world as my heart sees it: The farmer's dream
My world as my heart sees it: Night moves - Parma - Ponte Verdi
My world as my heart sees it: Night moves - Parma
My world as my heart sees it: Switch on some night's magic
My world as my heart sees it: Night moves - Parma
My world as my heart sees it: Otello Corradi Cicli
My world as my heart sees it: Night moves - Movida
My world as my heart sees it: Old school bunga-bunga :-)