argonauts31: Book and cake from Deborah Kerbel book signing
argonauts31: Cake from Deborah Kerbel book signing
argonauts31: Table of snacks set up in room in the Thornhill Village Library
argonauts31: Beware of glowing rocks!
argonauts31: The ghost of Thornhill Village Library is much smaller than I expected
argonauts31: The mouse is very trusting to stay that close to a cat.
argonauts31: Hallowe'en themed books on display at the Thornhill Village Library
argonauts31: Collection of Deborah Kerbel's books
argonauts31: Deborah Kerbel about to start reading from her book
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argonauts31: Deborah Kerbel reading a passage from her book, Lure.
argonauts31: Deborah Kerbel reading a passage from her book, Lure.
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argonauts31: Deborah Kerbel speaking about her book, Lure.
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argonauts31: Ghost story telling time at the Thornhill Village Library