argobot: Materials day. Looking for some old wood.
argobot: This place dissassembles old houses and sells the old wood.
argobot: Tons of Wood
argobot: More Tons of Wood
argobot: Wood and Trash
argobot: Ann and the Shrine
argobot: Jane Reads
argobot: Jane stops reading
argobot: Some old thai posters
argobot: Lots of old figurines
argobot: Dirty Elephant
argobot: Dirty Ladies
argobot: Ahh.. this is a nice piece of wood
argobot: More old thai posters
argobot: Ann Helps the guy measure out the wood
argobot: Behind the wood shop is the same Klong (canal) that our building is on
argobot: Except their part is much nicer. Look at the nice houses.
argobot: Mr Fixit Prepares our Wood
argobot: Mr Fixit Prepares our Wood 2
argobot: Mr Fixit Prepares our Wood - The Movie
argobot: Mr Fixit Prepares our Wood 3
argobot: Drilling our teak
argobot: Its a dangerous job
argobot: Siesta time - Thai style
argobot: Down near the train station in Hua Lampong
argobot: Bamboo crossing the canal
argobot: Ann can't hear anything on her phone
argobot: The canal near Hua Lampong