潘周迪: random street in Beijing
潘周迪: random street in Beijing
潘周迪: scorpions as snack
潘周迪: Wangfujing
潘周迪: souvenirs
潘周迪: gate
潘周迪: roof
潘周迪: pigeons
潘周迪: scorpions
潘周迪: grasshoppers
潘周迪: little snakes
潘周迪: centipedes
潘周迪: bugs and more bugs
潘周迪: Beijing duck
潘周迪: bugs
潘周迪: starfish
潘周迪: at Wangfujing
潘周迪: forbidden city
潘周迪: gate
潘周迪: forbidden city
潘周迪: Forbidden City
潘周迪: Forbidden City
潘周迪: forbidden city - 故宫
潘周迪: 春满乾坤 - Spring fills the universe
潘周迪: West Chang'an Avenue - 西长安街
潘周迪: Great Hall of the People - 大民大会堂
潘周迪: National Museum of China - 中国国家博物馆
潘周迪: Big Brother