潘周迪: IMG_9917
潘周迪: blue, green, yellow, green
潘周迪: field of gold
潘周迪: spikes
潘周迪: red spots
潘周迪: face on a log
潘周迪: green grass
潘周迪: line of light
潘周迪: Josep, the hunter
潘周迪: Issoria lathonia watching a bee
潘周迪: IMG_0019
潘周迪: Anas platyrhynchos
潘周迪: Gerris lacustris
潘周迪: estany de Sils
潘周迪: Ardea cinerea
潘周迪: Himantopus himantopus
潘周迪: mini-planet Sils