Andy Reitz: Giving power to a fully discharged Veer
Andy Reitz: Just booted up
Andy Reitz: Creating a Palm Profile, as part of the initial on-phone setup
Andy Reitz: Palm let's you choose how you want the GPS to function
Andy Reitz: Updating the App Catalog (Palm's App Store)
Andy Reitz: App downloads happen in the background
Andy Reitz: I had problems getting the Veer to attach to our corporate WiFi
Andy Reitz: DrPodder podcast app
Andy Reitz: Can't find "Gruber" in DrPodder
Andy Reitz: Synergy accounts screenshot
Andy Reitz: Web search engine options
Andy Reitz: Email accounts. The nice thing is being able to choose a default account (I don't think iOS has that)
Andy Reitz: Default clock view
Andy Reitz: Setting an alarm. I like this "minutes chooser" UI
Andy Reitz: Month view in calendar
Andy Reitz: Default music player screen
Andy Reitz: Viewing a tweet in Carbon
Andy Reitz: Viewing my favorites in Carbon
Andy Reitz: Sample Photo from Veer camera - 1
Andy Reitz: Sample Photo from Veer camera - 2
Andy Reitz: Sample Photo from Veer camera - 3
Andy Reitz: Sample Photo from Veer camera - 4
Andy Reitz: Sample Photo from Veer camera - 5
Andy Reitz: Sample Photo from Veer camera - 6
Andy Reitz: Sample Photo from Veer camera - 7
Andy Reitz: Notes application start screen
Andy Reitz: Box top
Andy Reitz: Box side
Andy Reitz: Box back (if you carefully read the fine print, you'll see that this phone really isn't 4G)
Andy Reitz: Box sleeve & inner box