Aree Witoelar: Just arrived
Aree Witoelar: Schiphol!
Aree Witoelar: Escalator to trains
Aree Witoelar: DSC02498.jpg
Aree Witoelar: DSC02502.jpg
Aree Witoelar: DSC02514.jpg
Aree Witoelar: DSC02518.jpg
Aree Witoelar: DSC02528.jpg
Aree Witoelar: DSC02512.jpg
Aree Witoelar: DSC02500.jpg
Aree Witoelar: DSC02496.jpg
Aree Witoelar: DSC02488.jpg
Aree Witoelar: DSC02471.jpg
Aree Witoelar: DSC02525.jpg
Aree Witoelar: DSC02422.jpg
Aree Witoelar: DSC02423.jpg
Aree Witoelar: DSC02417.jpg
Aree Witoelar: DSC02418.jpg
Aree Witoelar: DSC02469.jpg
Aree Witoelar: DSC02480.jpg
Aree Witoelar: DSC02466.jpg
Aree Witoelar: Asier (Spain) Michael (Leb)
Aree Witoelar: Serge (Spain)
Aree Witoelar: Jordi (Spain) Asier (Spain)
Aree Witoelar: Aree's Homemade Bolognaise
Aree Witoelar: At the tennis hall
Aree Witoelar: Italians
Aree Witoelar: Hui Xian (CHI)