Ardent Eye:
Pacific City ocean view
Ardent Eye:
haystack rock
Ardent Eye:
checking out the beach
Ardent Eye:
Haystack sunrise
Ardent Eye:
deer on the beach
Ardent Eye:
wierd sea weed
Ardent Eye:
beach play
Ardent Eye:
crab shell
Ardent Eye:
beach finds
Ardent Eye:
more beach play
Ardent Eye:
Three Arches
Ardent Eye:
Crab dinner
Ardent Eye:
crab dinner 2
Ardent Eye:
crab dinner 3
Ardent Eye:
hooping it up on the beach
Ardent Eye:
C & kids in the flow
Ardent Eye:
Jelly fish
Ardent Eye:
Jelly 2
Ardent Eye:
Jelly 3
Ardent Eye:
Giant crab
Ardent Eye:
Strawberry anemone
Ardent Eye:
Aquarium anemone
Ardent Eye:
Sea star close up
Ardent Eye:
Sea star
Ardent Eye:
anemones galore
Ardent Eye:
Orange anemone
Ardent Eye:
Sea star underbelly
Ardent Eye:
Red sea sponge
Ardent Eye:
Sea fossils
Ardent Eye:
School is in