[Y]-D: She was so worried
[Y]-D: working in the strawberry farm...
[Y]-D: Taraxacum
[Y]-D: Let's freezzzz the 3 seconds
[Y]-D: Me and the new toy (for my icon)
[Y]-D: Little mushroom
[Y]-D: Dance, Dance, Dance
[Y]-D: I have two heads
[Y]-D: Daisies
[Y]-D: Daisies
[Y]-D: DSC_0457
[Y]-D: DSC_0450
[Y]-D: DSC_0439
[Y]-D: DSC_0431
[Y]-D: DSC_0422
[Y]-D: DSC_0416
[Y]-D: DSC_0375
[Y]-D: Please close the door
[Y]-D: Artist? Window?
[Y]-D: DSC_0349
[Y]-D: DSC_0341
[Y]-D: DSC_0329
[Y]-D: DSC_0323