arcticrail: The last drop
arcticrail: Bring 'em back
arcticrail: Hey! I can see through that!
arcticrail: The old guard
arcticrail: That'll do...
arcticrail: Time to go home
arcticrail: Clearing your throat
arcticrail: If you're going to spew....blow it out your stack!
arcticrail: Muscle Up!
arcticrail: The many hazes of a 251
arcticrail: A cloud of sand and head for home
arcticrail: Over the top
arcticrail: The view from above
arcticrail: Under and away
arcticrail: It's a great just needs greenery
arcticrail: Down the hill, round the corner.
arcticrail: Next stop, Port Allegany
arcticrail: What a marvelous sight!
arcticrail: Just a whiff
arcticrail: Driftin' up
arcticrail: Release the ink!!
arcticrail: Easing up...
arcticrail: The other side
arcticrail: Bring 'em back
arcticrail: Last work for the evening
arcticrail: Off for home
arcticrail: Stoke 'em up!
arcticrail: Pulling for the rise
arcticrail: Quiet Sentinel
arcticrail: Hustling downhill