tibchris: Panorama of Bodie the Ghost town of California
tibchris: Bodie :Old west abandoned wagon wheen
tibchris: Bodie :Abandoned car in the old west
tibchris: Bodie :Old west main street
tibchris: lines and shadows
tibchris: Need a light ?
tibchris: Bodie :Tight room with a chair and a bottle in an old western town
tibchris: Bodie :Abandoned room in a ghost town
tibchris: Bodie :Old western store
tibchris: where she waited for him to return
tibchris: Main Street long ago
tibchris: fire truck of days gone by
tibchris: Babies off the bottle
tibchris: and I thought I was messy
tibchris: old west transport failure
tibchris: Bodie :Old West abandoned washhouse
tibchris: Gold Grade
tibchris: Bodie :Abandoned Gas station
tibchris: forlorn kitchen
tibchris: Bodie :ghost town room in a state of disrepair
tibchris: where ever I put my hat is my home
tibchris: growing classics
tibchris: my favorite place to hide
tibchris: Bodie :Under the table in a ghost town
tibchris: fancy Shootin
tibchris: old shadows
tibchris: The majestic mountain sierras outside of Bridgeport Califiornia
tibchris: Mountainsm lakes and fences
tibchris: Bodie :The sierras across a pond near Bridgetown
tibchris: Bodie :Abandoned room