sept-huit: Sheep Creek airstrip...
sept-huit: P6190007
sept-huit: P6190025
sept-huit: P6190029
sept-huit: Sheep Creek and the Firth
sept-huit: P6200039
sept-huit: don't worry, I won't forget you
sept-huit: P6200059
sept-huit: P6200074
sept-huit: P6200075
sept-huit: P6200076
sept-huit: arctic lupine
sept-huit: wooly lousewort
sept-huit: P6200094
sept-huit: P6200101
sept-huit: mountain tundra poppies
sept-huit: camp 1
sept-huit: Looking up Mt. UFB from the approach
sept-huit: Mt. UFB
sept-huit: the coast
sept-huit: P6240201
sept-huit: camp 3
sept-huit: P6250217
sept-huit: camp 6
sept-huit: back up Fish Creek
sept-huit: P6260233