sept-huit: Sea Ice
sept-huit: Only half full
sept-huit: See ya!
sept-huit: Hummocks
sept-huit: Lake near Green Cabin
sept-huit: tundrascape
sept-huit: self portrait
sept-huit: lemming highway
sept-huit: Green Cabin and the weather station
sept-huit: P6279688.JPG
sept-huit: food now dammit!
sept-huit: the mighty Thomsen
sept-huit: muskox in a defensive huddle
sept-huit: painted sands
sept-huit: cache at Nasogaluak
sept-huit: colonization
sept-huit: Thomsen River from Nasogaluak
sept-huit: Lapland Longspur nest
sept-huit: death and life
sept-huit: offensive line
sept-huit: don't mess with Banks muskox, man
sept-huit: Long-tailed Jaeger
sept-huit: P6299773.JPG
sept-huit: first day on the river
sept-huit: rest stop
sept-huit: sky near Trout Beach
sept-huit: camp at Trout Beach from across the river
sept-huit: evening walk
sept-huit: evening sky
sept-huit: Terence, Joe, and Dave