Arctic Al: Adelie penguins
Arctic Al: Emperor penguins
Arctic Al: Emperor penguin chick
Arctic Al: Emperor penguin rookery
Arctic Al: Mum & Chick
Arctic Al: Me at BAS Halley
Arctic Al: Leopard seal
Arctic Al: Antarctic minke whales
Arctic Al: Leopard Seal
Arctic Al: King penguins
Arctic Al: King penguins
Arctic Al: Elephant Seal
Arctic Al: Typical beach
Arctic Al: King penguin with egg
Arctic Al: Elephant Seals
Arctic Al: Typical beach
Arctic Al: Wandering albatross
Arctic Al: Tobogganing
Arctic Al: Icebreaking
Arctic Al: Chinstrap and Adelie penguins
Arctic Al: Antarctic petrel
Arctic Al: Going fishing
Arctic Al: New feathers please
Arctic Al: Yum, yum
Arctic Al: That is not a penguin!!!
Arctic Al: King Penguin Chick, Gold Harbour, South Georgia
Arctic Al: "What a big ship"
Arctic Al: Flying over Nunataks
Arctic Al: Not the South Pole
Arctic Al: Riiser-Larsen Ice Shelf