novamade: ctsw-1 :: wheels, upon entry
novamade: ctsw-16 :: having so much fun
novamade: ctsw-2 :: sheep shed, merino tencel
novamade: ctsw-3 :: buttons
novamade: ctsw-4 :: more buttons
novamade: ctsw-5 :: and even more buttons
novamade: ctsw-6 :: a yarn vendor
novamade: ctsw-7 :: my partners in crime at CTSW
novamade: ctsw-8 we saw sheep
novamade: ctsw-17 :: someone really likes wool
novamade: ctsw-9 :: sheep dog trials
novamade: ctsw-10 :: cheering
novamade: ctsw-12 :: little sir as sheep
novamade: ctsw-14 :: little mister as sheep
novamade: ctsw-15 :: customized spinning wheels
novamade: 365.2010.107 fun at the connecticut sheep and wool festival
novamade: yip.2010.107 sheepies