Lesli Larson: Highlighter Troilus and Cressida
Lesli Larson: People of the play
Lesli Larson: Porridge after meat
Lesli Larson: Mary Astor My Story
Lesli Larson: Mary Astor My Story (told in her own words)
Lesli Larson: Hopscotch
Lesli Larson: The Theater and its Double
Lesli Larson: The Waste Land
Lesli Larson: Emily Dickinson - Madness
Lesli Larson: Emily Dickinson - Cover
Lesli Larson: Cannery Road - withdrawn stamp
Lesli Larson: Death of a Salesman - Ephemera
Lesli Larson: Death of a Salesman - Debby Victor
Lesli Larson: White_Noise_p18