Lesli Larson: Last photo of day 2
Lesli Larson: Atop Tygh Ridge
Lesli Larson: Ever present Eric
Lesli Larson: Evidence
Lesli Larson: Tea water
Lesli Larson: Michael's Hilsen
Lesli Larson: Not pictured: antelope trophies, horse treats and a delightful fudgesicle
Lesli Larson: Pencil @ Three Warriors Market
Lesli Larson: Sweetpea @ Three Warriors Market
Lesli Larson: Peg in retro SIR jersey
Lesli Larson: IMG_9457
Lesli Larson: Passing view
Lesli Larson: Living info control (Warm Springs)
Lesli Larson: Pencil @ Madras
Lesli Larson: Kramer & Co.
Lesli Larson: Passing view
Lesli Larson: Evidence of my participation
Lesli Larson: Mitchell Hotel (not the shot I wanted but I refuse to pedal backwards for a retake)
Lesli Larson: Climbing towards Prineville
Lesli Larson: Random shoe tree
Lesli Larson: Bill @ Cant Ranch
Lesli Larson: Evidence
Lesli Larson: David Rowe @ Mitchell control
Lesli Larson: ATV ranchers
Lesli Larson: Cant ranch control
Lesli Larson: Passing view
Lesli Larson: Cant ranch
Lesli Larson: Cant ranch
Lesli Larson: A view more amusing than the ride