Lesli Larson: Sara's pre-ride organization of her brevet kit
Lesli Larson: Our dapper ride patron: Charlie Wentworth
Lesli Larson: Ride organizers in enviable layers of wool and nylon
Lesli Larson: Ride start: Lynn in her civilian clothing
Lesli Larson: Ken and his Mercian
Lesli Larson: Ride start
Lesli Larson: Sara and Drew
Lesli Larson: Passing view
Lesli Larson: Friendly Riv fan
Lesli Larson: Passing view
Lesli Larson: Sara snap
Lesli Larson: Future house for R and E?
Lesli Larson: 650b road test: roadside rumblestrips
Lesli Larson: Snake with a hat
Lesli Larson: Passing view
Lesli Larson: Token snow bank
Lesli Larson: Sara nearing Timbers summit
Lesli Larson: Evidence of my participation
Lesli Larson: Passing view
Lesli Larson: Ray in action
Lesli Larson: Ray's Saluki
Lesli Larson: Soup lady
Lesli Larson: Control food offerings
Lesli Larson: Cecil in sporty non-cycling ensemble
Lesli Larson: Brevet baristas
Lesli Larson: Drew's homebuilt custom brevet/commuter bike
Lesli Larson: Self-documentation
Lesli Larson: Around noon
Lesli Larson: Here's where we lost twenty plus minutes
Lesli Larson: Departing from the Birkie control