Lesli Larson: Preparing the horses for the trailer load
Lesli Larson: Loading Bikes for delivery to Seattle (from PDX)
Lesli Larson: Dawn of the first day
Lesli Larson: Portland Cyclewear STP Jersey
Lesli Larson: STP Jersey--Back
Lesli Larson: Deposting Luggage for Future Misdelivery
Lesli Larson: Pre-ride Prep: Day One
Lesli Larson: LL and SS at first formal rest stop: Day One
Lesli Larson: Lunch: Day One
Lesli Larson: Remnants of day two breakfast
Lesli Larson: K in the parking lot during first lunch stop
Lesli Larson: ST and the steeds
Lesli Larson: Lunch Stop
Lesli Larson: Centralia
Lesli Larson: End of Day One
Lesli Larson: Toledo High School
Lesli Larson: Sign of Respect: Toledo High School
Lesli Larson: Toledo Luggage (not ours)
Lesli Larson: Peugeot at Lunch Stop
Lesli Larson: Supplemental STP RV Housing
Lesli Larson: Day One: Evening Repose (pre poultry barn viewing)
Lesli Larson: Cycling Glove Tan Circles
Lesli Larson: Evening Meal
Lesli Larson: Mentally preparing for first encounter with 20,000 chickens
Lesli Larson: ST on her march to the barn
Lesli Larson: Observing The Tank System
Lesli Larson: Appetitle Response Fish Feeder System
Lesli Larson: Tilipia Fish Farm Samples
Lesli Larson: Documenting Tilipia Fish Tank
Lesli Larson: K and the chickens