ARCHITECT__PRASHANT (0-9968105361): lines of spirituality
ARCHITECT__PRASHANT (0-9968105361): water through the channel
ARCHITECT__PRASHANT (0-9968105361): neelkantha temple built by akbar emperor
ARCHITECT__PRASHANT (0-9968105361): one of the scary n best moment
ARCHITECT__PRASHANT (0-9968105361): inspiration of taj mahal--- hoshang shah tomb
ARCHITECT__PRASHANT (0-9968105361): all addicts of travelling
ARCHITECT__PRASHANT (0-9968105361): we entered in a drizzle
ARCHITECT__PRASHANT (0-9968105361): first moments at mandu
ARCHITECT__PRASHANT (0-9968105361): nature.....mmmmmhhhhhhhh