Archer Art~SJ Arredondo:
Paul Newman : Glamour Boy
Archer Art~SJ Arredondo:
Bench Clearing Hockey Fight -"Slap Shot"
Archer Art~SJ Arredondo:
Newman- "Slap Shot"
Archer Art~SJ Arredondo:
The teams "Hired Goons" from "Slapshot"
Archer Art~SJ Arredondo:
Refery-Angery due to his having to hand out too many penalties-and its still PRE GAME! from "slapshot
Archer Art~SJ Arredondo:
Hanson Brother-2
Archer Art~SJ Arredondo:
Screen capture 10
Archer Art~SJ Arredondo:
Hanson Brother 3
Archer Art~SJ Arredondo:
Pre-game ceremony-1
Archer Art~SJ Arredondo:
National Anthem - Canadian
Archer Art~SJ Arredondo:
Hansons On Parade
Archer Art~SJ Arredondo:
Slap Shot - Good Grief!
Archer Art~SJ Arredondo:
Slap Shot - Poster
Archer Art~SJ Arredondo:
Newman- "Noir Shot"