janbommes: Sonar DBQS-23
janbommes: Fahrstand
janbommes: Kombüse
janbommes: U11 - Krickelecke
janbommes: Motraum
janbommes: O-Messe
janbommes: Bugraum
janbommes: U11 - Engine Room
janbommes: U11 surfaced
janbommes: Torpedorohre
janbommes: Torpedorohr (außen) - Torpedo Tube
janbommes: Down the Barrel of a Gun - Torpedotube
janbommes: U11 in the Dock @ Kiel Shipyards
janbommes: U11 (2)
janbommes: U-Boot Kl 206A
janbommes: LtzS Emil Claussen, Commander of U-469
janbommes: U-11 (03)
janbommes: U-11 (02)
janbommes: U-11 (01)
janbommes: U-11 (09)
janbommes: U-11 (08)
janbommes: U-11 (07)
janbommes: U-11 (06)
janbommes: U-11 (05)
janbommes: U-11 (04)
janbommes: U-11 (10)
janbommes: U-29 (01)
janbommes: Unterseeboot U11 (1)
janbommes: Unterseeboot U11 (2)
janbommes: Unterseeboot U11 (3)