Ant Sykes Photography: 20150308_234550
Ant Sykes Photography: 20150309_001824
Ant Sykes Photography: 20150308_235105
Ant Sykes Photography: 20150309_000953
Ant Sykes Photography: 20150308_234453
Ant Sykes Photography: 20150308_234519
Ant Sykes Photography: 20150309_004221
Ant Sykes Photography: 20150309_004152
Ant Sykes Photography: 20150309_004240
Ant Sykes Photography: 20150309_003601
Ant Sykes Photography: Ritz Bar and Snooker Club - 1997
Ant Sykes Photography: The New Ritz - 2006
Ant Sykes Photography: Ritz Olympic Sports Bar - 2011
Ant Sykes Photography: Drum roll please